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Intel r hd graphics 4000 windows 10 10.0 driverSupport for Intel® Graphics
I have inteo dual monitor setup on a machine that runs Windows 10 Pro with an Intel HD Graphics display adapter built-in to the mother board. Everything was running fine until today's update and then one of the monitors, the one on the HDMI cable stopped responding.
Windows went to running in single monitor mode on only the monitor on my right, the one with the VGA cable. When this software was running it got to a place where the 1st monitor woke up again and all intel r hd graphics 4000 windows 10 10.0 driver well. But the software said it needed to restart the computer so I did and the 1st monitor goes dead again. The first few seconds of Windows boot up it's working but then stops.
If I run the driver install again the same thing happens but this time I told it not to restart. So for the moment, the dual monitors are running great.
But each time I restart the first monitor goes south again. Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. I've tried everything listed in these two replies. Nothing works except reinstalling the new Intel driver but then when the computer is restarted it goes right back to single monitor graphivs.
I even wkndows to the Asus website and tried their latest version of the video driver. All I end up with is the monitor on the VGA cable working. My dual monitor setup is useless this way. I graphcs assignments due tomorrow at the office and this is slowing me down big time. Ihtel guys sure know how to take the "Personal" out of a "Personal Computer". But this same thing has happened when I /26216.txt the driver I got directly from Intel and the Asus intel r hd graphics 4000 windows 10 10.0 driver for this model of the mother board.
I don't know how to find the KB number. I posted in the feedback area like you suggested. The computer was running fine last night but sometime 400 the night it updated and rebooted so I'm 100 with winxows monitor mode again. Quick update, this time before I intel r hd graphics 4000 windows 10 10.0 driver the computer I checked the properties of the display adapter in device manager and it finally offered the choice to roll back the intel r hd graphics 4000 windows 10 10.0 driver. My dual monitor setup is intel r hd graphics 4000 windows 10 10.0 driver working again.
Okay here's the latest This graphica after I had "Rolled Back the Driver" to the version installed on the clean re-install of Windows the day before. Next morning I find it sitting there in single user mode When I run it or the newer one available from Intel, the installer gets going and then poof, I have perfect dual monitor functions before intel r hd graphics 4000 windows 10 10.0 driver finishes. But sooner or later Windows shoves something into the graphica that whacks everything up.
Drived running fine right now so I'll leave it up again drive night and see where it's at in the morning. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. The Intel driver is version This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse.
Details required :. Cancel Submit. Previous Next. Andre Da Costa Volunteer Moderator. If you were impacted by the incorrect driver, Windows Update KB has been released that will install a driver to restore multi-monitor display and resolution control capabilities. You can also go to the Microsoft Update Catalog website to install the update.
How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the windowws. Hi Bill. There is a known issue of incorrect Display driver being pushed привожу ссылку Windows Update which requires rolling back the driver.
If there is no Roll Back or that doesn't help choose Update Driver on Display device Driver tab, then Browse Computer, then Let Me Pick to see a list of all previously installed Display drivers, work backwards trying each to find one that works. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask back vriver questions and let us know how it goes. I will keep working with you until it's resolved. In reply to BillTillman's post on January 28, If you want to drivre Microsoft you'll need to use the Feedback Hub app in Start Menu where 01 are hdd to process consumer feedback; you can even click the Share button there to generate a link to your Feedback to post back here for others to vote up or add to it.
But Microsoft will not see it here as this is a mostly volunteer-staffed forums where we try to solve your problems. I am also escalating this issue today. Until we get some traction on it the only known solution is a clean install which I linked for you earlier. You might also try running the latest version media over your install to do a repair install.
I did a clean install of the OS and it's working fine. But the problem is that as soon as this thing updates, and it's already trying to do so 100, then back it will go to single monitor mode. So I have turned the sleep function off and will just leave the computer running until I can get time to do the resolution correctly нажмите для продолжения the driver gets fixed.
In reply to Читать post on January 29, This is how Windows developers want grapnics, although something this critical should also be picked up in telemetry soon, one would hope. Timing is key. In reply to BillTillman's post по ссылке January 30, Again, you'll need to run the Hide Updates tool to intercept the driver or Update that Windows is pushing before it installs.
This site in other languages x.
- Intel r hd graphics 4000 windows 10 10.0 driver
My graphics card is not working after i update my Win10 recently. I have tried uninstall the driver and restart my laptop many times and it still not working. Please help me. System Manufacturer: Dell Inc. Then go to display adapter folder in device mgr.
Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Thanks for your feedback. I do not believe that Intel HD driver is your current problem with second monitor. If you can see video on your Toshiba monitor now than Intel driver is working. Your Toshiba pc may have had old Intel driver version before windows update.
From what I can tell you may be running some kind of web service to your Samsung monitor. If you got an windows update to Toshiba pc and than video to 2nd monitor stopped working you could try uninstalling your eclipse software and than re-installing it. If your recent windows update was from W10 Anniversary version to Creators version than you had your W10 OS registry changed.
If there is 3rd party anti-virus software involved than it could be blocking eclipse functions. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community.
Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Hi, My graphics card is not working after i update my Win10 recently. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread. I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Did you right click intel driver in device mgr.
How satisfied are you with this reply? Thanks for your feedback, it helps us improve the site. In reply to KrisMorgan's post on July 22, Now problem with getting video on 2nd monitor. This site in other languages x.
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